Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mendel's Law of Segregation

How are traits passed from parents to offspring? 
The answer is by gene transmission.
Genes are located on chromosomes and consist of DNA. 
They are passed from parents to their offspring through reproduction.
The principles that govern heredity were discovered by a monk named Gregor Mendel in the 1860's. 
One of these principles, now called 
Mendel's law of segregation, states that 
allele pairs separate or segregate during gamete formation, and randomly unite at fertilization.
There are 4 main concepts related to this principle. They are as follows:
  • A gene can exist in more than one form.
  • Organisms inherit two alleles for each trait.
  • When gametes are produced (by meiosis), allele pairs separate leaving each cell with a single allele for each trait.
  • When the two alleles of a pair are different, one is dominant and the other is recessive.

Refraction light through prism

Refraction is the bending of light through a substance. 
Different substances bend light at different angles. 
White light is made up of a full spectrum of colors. 
Each color has a different wavelength, and bends at a different angle. 
This is the same effect that produces rainbows in the atmosphere. 
The most common illustration of this is a glass prism as seen here.
The colors of the spectrum can be remembered easily with the acronym ROYGBV (pronounced: roy-gee-biv)
Prisms bend light by refraction. This animated diagram shows monochromatic (single colour) light beams passing through a triangular prism whose shape varies with time. 
As the prism widens at its base so the rays are bent (refracted) more. 
Prisms have many uses in optical devices.

In reality, when beams of white light pass through a prism the light resolves into different colours and creates a spectrum of colours.
The higher energy (shorter wavelength) or blue light is refracted more than the lower energy (longer wavelength) or red light.
The various wavelengths that make up white light (e.g. sunlight) all get refracted by a different amount and so the light is dispersed into its constituent colours. 
This produces the familiar rainbow of colours or spectrum.


Chloroplasts are specialized organelles found in all higher plant cells.
These organelles contain the plant cell's chlorophyll, hence provide the green color. 
They have a double outer membrane. 
Within the stroma are other membrane structures - the thylakoids and grana (singular = granum) where photosynthesis takes place.
Chloroplasts capture light energy to conserve free energy in the form of ATP and reduce NADP to NADPH through a complex set of processes called photosynthesis
The word chloroplast is derived from the Greek words chloros means green, and plastis means "the one who forms".
Chloroplasts are members of a class of organelles known as plastids.

Mudah ingat apa dipelajari

  1. Tukarkan nota ke dalam bentuk gambar. 
  2. Tukarkan nota ke dalam bentuk cerita.   
  3. Sentiasa gambarkan nota yang telah kita tulis dalam minda kita. 
  4. Cerita bergambar memang lebih mudah untuk dibayangkan.  
Selain itu:
  1. tulis nota kecil dan bawa kemana saja anda pergi dan baca
  2. Buat nota warna warni akn membantu daya ingatan anda
  3. Buat latihan setiap kali habis belajat...
praktikkan yek!!!!!
Selamat mencuba.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Introduction 23Jun2011

Assalamualaikum wrt

Kewujudan blog ini adalah untuk tatapan umum semua lapisan masyarakat khususnya para guru, pelajar, ibubapa dan penggiat industri pendidikan. 
Berikut adalah bullet yang akan dikongsikan melalui blog ini yang akan bersifat dinamik fungsinya dari semasa ke semasa:
1) Motivasi Teacher
2) Motivasi Student
3) Duit Tuition
4) Bedah Buku
5) Clue Sains
6) Clue Math
7) Clue AddM3
8) Clue Biology
9) Hargai Teacher
10) Painting
11) Piano Class
Blog ini memahami 1 istilah "Setiap orang ingin rasa dihargai dan dihormati sebagai 'somebody' dan orang yang punya hati dan perasaan" 
Jadi, khusus untuk semua para guru yang banyak berkorban untuk mendidik kebanyakan manusia yang gemilang dari dulu hingga kini. Perjuangan pendidikan hingga ke liang lahad untuk ilmu. 
Ilmu itu sebuah "Nur/ cahaya" yang sifat suluhannya menyeluruh pada serata objek dan hilang hanya apabila melalui objek legap.
Bersihkan hati selalu, gilapkan selalu dengan cahaya dari ilmu yang berguna, pasti cahaya itu akan sampai. InsyaAllah, cahaya dari kekasih Allah Nur Muhammad saw akan sentasa menyuluh hati kepadaNya.
Dosa boleh menghalang seseorang itu daripada mendapat cahaya ilmu. 
Satu ketika, Imam Malik terpegun melihat Imam Syafie (masih remaja ketika itu) kerana kepandaian dan kecerdikannya, lantas beliau berkata:
"Sesungguhnya aku melihat Allah mencampakkan ke dalam hati kamu cahaya, maka jangan kamu padamkan cahaya iu dengan kegelapan maksiat".
Moga cita-citaku until the end of the day tercapai: nak jadi Pakar Motivasi, Cikgu Pakar subjek (Biologi. Sains, Math dan AddMath) dan membuka Pusat Tuisyen sekaligus cawangan Pusat Tuisyen di seluruh negeri di Malaysia. A House of Knowledge.. Amin
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